August 2020
Grosvenor joins GRI
Grosvenor has just joined GRI Community, one of the first independent international organizations that has been developing sustainability.

Grosvenor Investments has just joined GRI Community. 

GRI was one of the first independent international organizations that has been developing sustainability reporting since 1997. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards were the first and most widely adopted standards for sustainability reporting, supporting companies on protecting the environment and improve society, while at the same time thriving economically by improving governance and stakeholder relations, enhancing reputations and building trust.

For that reason, and being Grosvenor fully committed to Impact Investments, following the United Nations Sustainable development goals, it made perfect sense to be a part of this active community, that has been working with the largest companies in the world as a force for positive change.

Grosvenor Investments will strive to help GRI and its community, being an active player on sustainability matters, daily basis.

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