June 2021
2021 Grow Sustainable Scholarship has a winner: Bruno Silva Soares
Bruno Silva Soares will have the opportunity to attend the Sustainable Finance course, ISEG Executive Programme, sponsored by Grosvenor's scholarship.

Bruno Silva Soares will have the opportunity to do the Sustainable Finance course, ISEG Executive Programme, sponsored by Grosvenor's scholarship.

Bruno is an entrepreneur and Master in Environmental Management. His motivation for sustainable development and commitment to future generations led him to Quality and Environment Management with several proofs of talent. At the present time he is Co-founder & Sustainability and Environmental Advisor at From Denim do Green, a Non-profit environmental startup that seeks to make society aware of the environmental impact of textile waste.

We are thrilled to sponsor his knowledge and sure that we're going to hear a lot from him in a near future.

Congratulations Bruno! Have fun and learn even more.

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